
(+31) 0653522438

Opening : Mon-Fri 08:00 – 17:00

KVK: 87986868

IBAN: NL43 INGB 0398 1632 94


Our prices depend on many things, so we try to price our orders individually. On the other hand, on our website we provide you with the approximate cost of our services. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

The price of our services depends on many things such as:

  • size of a given order
  • type of services performed
  • working hours
  • distance from our headquarters

Customers who have purchased a subscription in our company are undoubtedly treated by us with special care. For our regular customers we are available 24/7. Prices per man-hour are constant, so the customer knows well how much it costs him given services. We have many subscription offers. From the smallest option (20h per month to 160h per month).

Standard Customers


From – ex BTW / per hour

Our company, despite the fact that it is mainly focused on customers who have a subscription purchased from us, but we also performs single services for many customers. The price for such services depends on: the costs that we have to incur, the distance from the company’s headquarters, the time of order execution, the activities. The hourly rate starts from €35 ex BTW. The valuation of the order made by the company is free of charge

Subscriber Customers


From – ex BTW / per hour

In the event that you are interested in purchasing any of these options, our representative will arrange an appointment with you and will be happy to help you in choosing the number of hours. First, he will make a list of tasks to be performed on your property and then he will make calculations so that they are as satisfying as possible for you.

Subscription prices are continuous. That minds it is a one-time monthly fee. The price per man-hour depends on the number of hours per month.

eg when you choose 20 hours a month offer – the cost per man-hour is 36 euro ex BTW However, if at our free meeting our employee together with you calculates that it would be useful for you to help you maintain the property in order and for this you need eg more than 40 hours then the hour will be cheaper and cheaper.

Business Customers


From – ex BTW / per hour

Decor-House is also open to perform work for other service providers such as restaurants, shops, offices, hotels. For such customers we have prepared special offers. We offer all renovation and installation works for companies, but we also gladly support in other areas, such as assistance in setting up or setting down the stands, assistance in cleaning the facility, etc.

Ready To Start New Project With DECOR-HOUSE?

We encourage you to contact our company by email or call